Sunday, 26 June 2022

WOTR Yorkist vs medieval French - posted by Joel McNelly, 26 June 2022

Today we upgraded from DBA and played our first game of DBMM!!!!

DBMM 200 vs James Davies.
My WOTR Yorkist vs medieval French.
Although the rules are more complex I quite enjoyed the extra layers of depth over DBA.
The French had their knights mounted facing my allied generals command with my cnc facing the low quality French infantry.
The game started with my left wing becoming unreliable although I managed to get it back under control at the end of turn 2.
I expected the French to dismount so didn't have my longbows concentrated but dispersed between the Billmen.
The French knights charged my left wing and I managed to kill a few stands on the way in with longbow and cannon fire. Although I managed to break up their formation they still managed to hit my line quickly due to a pressing forward against unsuccessful shooting and the fact that irregular knights make spontaneous advances.
I the mass of knights smashed my left wing but I killed enough to break the army and win the battle. If I had lost one more element form either of my commands it would have broken my army.
The result was a very marginal English victory.
A very enjoyable and close game!
[Admin: a selection of pics, lots more on the FB post]

Vincent Cholewa
Group expert
Hey Joel I am a big fan of DBA 3. Playing both is cool 😎
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Thracian gladiator's helmet - shared by Vince Cholewa, 25 June 2022

Spartacus! This Thracian style gladiator’s helmet is in the British Museum. Pretty cool 😎 

This gladiator's helmet, with a medallion of Hercules, was found in the gladiators' barracks in Pompeii.
The helmet was part of the equipment used by the most heavily armed gladiators, those from the NE of Greece, the "Thraces" (Thracians), and those from Gaul, the "mirmillones".

How do I strip paint off chariots? Posted by Vince Cholewa, 25 June 2022

Advice please: how to strip paint off chariots? Has anyone had experience of cleaning up chariots for repainting? Would you recommend: 1, completely taking the model apart; 2, taking off the horses and crew but leaving the chariot intact; 3, something else?

  • Ben Vartok
    No experience sorry. I suspect any immersion in stripping solution of choice could cause the bond between pieces to fail. That said I would suggest simple green to go after the paint and potentially leave the glue in place?
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  • Gregory Heyes
    I would say it depends on how the model is put together. Superglue can be broken by freezing it, but plastic glue will need to be cut apart - you may get lucky they did a bit of gluing, though, and it might come apart easily.
    My experience is that taking complex models like that apart before stripping is the best option, as you may end up with spots missed or you can’t reach to scrub if you keep it together.
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  • Dirk Heinsius
    Assuming these are Brent Senior-Partridge chariots I have some experience.
    1. Pull apart things that easily come apart.
    2. Soak everything in Meths for about 24 hours. This will strip a lot of the paint, and dissolve most of the glue Brent used.
    3. Pull remaining things apart. Scrub with a hard toothbrush.
    4. Soak in fresh Meths for another 24 hours, and toothbrush scrub again. Wooden toothpicks are useful at this stage for digging paint out of cracks.
    5. Should now be ready to re-prime and paint.
    Note this solution is cheap and cheerful, but if the figures were painted or varnished in Humbrol or similar gloss, then you may need a heavier stripper (no inuendo intended)
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  • Daniel Wade
    I use Simple Green for easily lifted paint, and for anything harder I use paint brush cleaner. The latter will melt GW style plastic bases so be careful with it.