Tuesday, 25 June 2019

100 Years War English vs Fatimid Egyptian - posted by Josh Barton, 25 June 2019

Some photos from Dirk Heinsius's Fatimids and my English this weekend. Despite Dirk pulling as many tricks as possible, the +1 to (S) blade allowed the English right flank to withhold an ambush. On the left the Fatimids had more luck - winning a shooting match against longbow. Sadly they didn't have the strength on that flank to capitalise on the victory. The centre saw a long, slow march of English Bd(S) toward Fatimid Sp(O), which ended in a fairly quick and comfortable victory for the English when the lines clashed.
Thanks to Dirk for being a challenging and fun opponent - it could have easily have gone the other way with a few rolls swapped around, but that's DBMM for you!


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Monday, 24 June 2019

Kapiti Hobbies restock scenics and paint - posted by Vince Cholewa, 24 June 2019

Email us at: admin@kapitihobbies.com
Tel: (04) 2988882


Restock order just in for Vallejo and Woodland Scenics items including new aerosol sprays from Vallejo!
Unpacking and pricing up now!

Crusaders and Vikings on Trade Me - posted by Gerard Lelieveld, 23 Jun 2019

Some crusaders and Vikings on trade me at moment


Five DBMM games at the Hutt Club - posted vy Vince Cholewa, 23 June 2019

A great meeting at the Hutt Valley Miniature Wargaming Club yesterday with at least a dozen tables being used for: Five games of DBMM; one of Saga (25/28mm skirmish rules for Ancient and Medieval); some World War 2; Modern; and some Fantasy and SF.

Neil Williamson moving his hidden command out of the fortified village where they had been lurking behind my army’s flank. He also had an ambush and a flank March. Neil used Alans vs my Seleucids; 450AP. — at St Brendan's School.
Josh (Comma) Barton (Hundred Years War English) vs Dirk Heinsius (Fatimid Egyptian). From what I gathered afterwards, this was a game where the defensive +1 for (S) most (all?) the English foot was a major factor. — at St Brendan's School.
  • Dirk Heinsius For anyone interested, in the picture above there are 5 Kn(O) in ambush behind the dune, ready to spring out onto the flank and rear of the advancing English Blade/Bow combo, whilst my Blade(I) pinned them in the front.
    Unfortunately the longbow turned and shot at the advancing knights (anything but a 1 was my cry), and of course I threw 2 1s. After which Bd(I) don't stand up to Bd(S) frontally.
  • Josh Barton 🐎 + 🏹 = 💀

Michail Woolf is learning the ropes as his Wars of Roses army nears completion. He watched Craig Ellison (Late Imperial Roman) vs Richard Mason (Kushite Egyptian). — at St Brendan's School.

Bruce Ferguson (Siamese) vs Allen Yaxley (Early Carthaginian). Their armies were in contact before Neil and I had even finished setting up the terrain on our table! — at St Brendan's School.

Graham Starkey (Seleucids) vs Alastair Duncan (Nikophorian Byzantine). I suspect Graham’s cup might not have been running over. — at St Brendan's School.